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WBC’s proposal for Monks Lane 12/10/21

Uncategorised Posted on 12/10/2021 18:46


The proposed development is for a single storey sports pavilion building and car park providing facilities and social space to support a proposed artificial turf pitch, F2(C). The proposed artificial turf pitch forms part of this application and includes fencing, storage, spectator seating and artificial lighting. The building will provide approximately 400m² of internal floor space of use class F2(B)

Newbury Rugby Football Club, Monks Lane, Newbury, West Berkshire, RG14 7RW

For more information about the proposals, details, plans, consultation, correspondence and objections see the Documents tab > View associated documents and scroll down…

A tale of 2 councils 12/10/21

Uncategorised Posted on 12/10/2021 18:25

Newbury Town Council’s application to renew the Faraday Road Football Ground as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) was approved by West Berkshire Council on the 20th of September.


West Berkshire Council withdraws its Faraday Road planning application to “demolish the ‘former’ clubhouse, create additional car parking on the site and to enable the temporary opening of the sports and recreation space whilst redevelopment plans were drawn up” and is to open temporary public sports and recreation space at the site by the end of the year.