The supporters stand at Faraday Road was bought by chairman Martin Deaner and installed by Arena Seating for Newbury Town FC who folded in 1995.
AFC Newbury used it 1996-2007 while they rented the ground from WBC.
Newbury FC used it 2008-2018 while they rented the ground from WBC.
Did either of these clubs actually buy the stand?
West Berks Council has owned the ground on behalf of its constituents all this time.
So WBC owns it, right? (Newbury Town Council thinks WBC does, but WBC CEO Nick Carter says Newbury FC does)
On 3 occasions WBC has acquired the ground and its assets when tenants have left, the latest on 24 June 2018 when NFC was evicted.
Can WBC sell it?
Can NFC sell it?
Not easily; it’s protected as part of WBC’s Asset of Community Value (ACV) submitted by NCFG, but NCFG doesn’t own it.
WBC has also stated they have no plans to demolish any part of the ground, yet.
Nor have they ever mentioned that NFC owns it.
It’s a massive permanent structure and hardly portable!
NCFG objects to its hasty dismantling and Sport England supports this objection.
A bit of a problem for Hungerford Town FC who understandably want to acquire it!
Newbury Weekly News is seeking answers…
Who owns the stand? 13/09/18
News Posted on 12/09/2018 22:51- Comments(0)