Letter to NWN from NCFG Chair Paul Morgan:
the 28th March I attended the West Berks Council meeting and at the Public
Questions I asked if the Council could share the business case for it’s latest
proposal for the football ground at Faraday Road. I asked the question because
I am struggling to understand why they would spend money on turning a needed
and previously heavily used facility into one that no-one has asked for and one
the Council has not consulted anyone about.
than answer the question openly and transparently, Cllr James Fredrickson took
the usual West Berks Councillor tactic of not answering the question and did
not outline the business case, he simply said “Yes, we will share the business
to say a full month later, we are still awaiting for him to share the business
case, why do our Councillors treat the community they are elected to serve with
such contempt?
Community Football Group