News update 01/03/18

You may recall 2 previous news stories about the battle to save Newbury’s football ground from redevelopment into flats by West Berks Council. The first was about the protected status of an Asset of Community Value that was awarded after an application by NCFG. The second was about a wide reaching questionnaire and survey about the current football facilities in the community.

Today, we are excited to share some news about a significant milestone in our campaign; the submission of a Planning Application by NCFG for a major redevelopment of the ground into 4 all-weather pitches to give full access to the whole community. This follows the results of the survey which showed that 91% of respondents were dissatisfied with the current football facilities in Newbury.

Please see follow the links to:

a copy of our Press Release

the Survey summary

Below is an impression of the what the facility would look like:

We are grateful to you for your support to-date in raising awareness of this community action and would value your support in raising awareness of this story!