Reply from Richard Benyon MP to NCFG Chair Paul Morgan 17/07/18

Dear Paul

I have forwarded your e-mail to the CEO at West Berks Council. I will send you a copy of his reply when I receive it.

Yours sincerely


(The Rt Hon Richard Benyon – Member of Parliament for Newbury)

Reply from NCFG Chair Paul Morgan to Richard Benyon MP 09/07/18

Thank you for your response Richard.

As discussed at our meeting the key issue that we have is WBC are simply not entering into any meaningful dialogue with the football community of Newbury.

You say in your reply, which I appreciate is what you have been told by WBC, “The current plan is for WBC to manage the use of the ground and they are currently making the site suitable for local people to use”.

There is no evidence whatsoever that there is a need for what WBC propose and we have asked them to provide evidence of their decision making process – see the attached response that we sent to Newbury Weekly News. Two examples of our questions are:

• Please can you confirm who you consulted with respect to the proposed use as a multi-use games area with two five a side pitches marked up?

• Who in the Council proposed and agreed this new use for Faraday Road – did it go through any committee or any internal review? Please advise

Regrettably we are now firmly of the view that WBC have no intention whatsoever of honouring the site’s Asset of Community Value status and they will deliberately dumb down and run down this great facility to further their end goals, which as discussed has not had any public consultation nor has any associated outline planning applications. In short what they are doing is really bad for local health and well-being, local democracy and puts the local Conservative party in a really poor light.

Rest assured that NCFG will continue to challenge WBC at every step and if you can provide us with help and guidance with this quest it will be much appreciated.

Best regards

Paul Morgan – Chair of Newbury Community Football Group

Reply from Richard Benyon MP to NCFG Chair Paul Morgan following recent meeting 09/07/18

Dear Paul

Thank you for coming to see me with John Stewart.

I raised your concerns with the Chief Executive of WBC, Nick Carter, at my meting with him on Friday. I can confirm that the football ground will be available for community use within a few weeks. This will be a short to medium term arrangement dependant on the redevelopment of the London Road Industrial Estate. The current plan is for WBC to manage the use of the ground and they are currently making the site suitable for local people to use.

I know that you are looking for some long-term solution to provide the kind of ground a town like Newbury deserves. WBC will shortly be publishing its playing field strategy and it is very important that organisations like yours are contributing to the ideas this brings forward. I know that WBC want to build on the Newbury Town Plan and to tie in sporting facilities with policies on wellbeing, anti-obesity and community activity.

Please be assured of my continuing commitment to find a long-term solution for Newbury to be able to compete at the highest possible level in local and national leagues.

Yours sincerely


(The Rt Hon Richard Benyon – Member of Parliament for Newbury)