Subject: What’s the fuss about – Newbury
doesn’t need a football ground – does it?

the email / letter that I sent to you individually last week I am disappointed
to advise you that out of the 52 invitations sent out I have so far received
only 8 replies. 2 Councillors have accepted and 6 have declined.

I am aware that there is a briefing at West Berks Council
regarding the local lottery that starts at 5.30pm and this may be a reason why
you feel that you cannot attend, but this does not explain why 44 Councillors
have not responded (so far) at all to the invitation that I sent out a week ago
now. It maybe that I will receive a lot more responses over the next few
days but as stated in my email below this is a really important local issue
that deserves and demands time for a detailed discussion.

In order to help with your diary management can I suggest
that we bring forward the “Councillors pre
-public consultation discussion” from 5.00pm to
4.45pm this Thursday as it would allow you time to attend this discussion (for
30 minutes) and also allow you to get to the 5.30pm local lottery session,
which is a 5 minute walk away?

Due to the strength of public opinion we are genuinely
surprised that it would appear that our Councillors do not seem interested in
attending a meeting to discuss the key
points and to listen to the evidence that makes this such a crucial and
important local issue. The importance of this
local issue is illustrated by the fact that within only a week over 1500 (1200
online and 300 paper) have signed our petition supporting the NCFG
planning application. Details of this
petition can be found on our website:
please take a look.

I look forward to your reply.

Paul Morgan

On behalf of Newbury Community Football
Group (NCFG)


Subject: What’s the fuss about – Newbury doesn’t need a
football ground – does it?

the email / letter that I sent to you individually last week I am disappointed
to advise you that out of the 14 invitations that I sent to Newbury Town
Councillors (who are not West Berkshire Councillors) I have so far received
only 2 replies. 1 Councillor has accepted and 1 has declined.

I am aware that there is a briefing at West Berks Council
regarding the local lottery that starts at 5.30pm and this may be a reason why
you feel that you cannot attend, but this does not explain why 12 Councillors
have not responded (so far) at all to the invitation that I sent out a week ago
now. It maybe that I will receive a more responses over the next few days
but as stated in my email below this is a really important local issue that
deserves and demands time for a detailed discussion.

In order to help with your diary management can I suggest
that we bring forward the “Councillors pre
-public consultation discussion” from 5.00pm to
4.45pm this Thursday as it would allow you time to attend this discussion (for
30 minutes) and also allow you to get to the 5.30pm local lottery session,
which is a 5 minute walk away?

Due to the strength of public opinion we are genuinely
surprised that it would appear that our Councillors do not seem interested in
attending a meeting to discuss the key
points and to listen to the evidence that makes this such a crucial and
important local issue. The importance of this
local issue is illustrated by the fact that within only a week over 1500 (1200
online and 300 paper) have signed our petition supporting the NCFG planning
application. Details of this petition
can be found on our website:
please take a look.

I look forward to your reply.

Paul Morgan

On behalf of Newbury Community Football
Group (NCFG)