WBC planning dept acknowledges receipt of objections to stand demolition (example):

6th September 2018

Development and Planning Service

Council Offices, Market Street

Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5LD

Our Ref: COMACK/18/02046/DEMO

Your Ref:

Tel:: 01635 519927

Fax: 01635 519408

e-mail: planapps@westberks.gov.uk

Dear Sir/Madam


PROPOSAL: Application for prior notification for demolition of spectator stand

SITE: Newbury Football Club, Newbury Football Club, Faraday Road, Newbury

Thank you for your recent letter which will be taken into account in arriving at a decision.

Most applications are determined by officers under delegated authority but if it is going to be determined by a Planning Committee you will be informed of the date and the procedures. The officer’s report will be available for inspection on the Wednesday of the week before the meeting either at the Council Offices or on the website at www.westberks.gov.uk/planning. Please note that it is not possible to enter into correspondence with third parties on individual applications.

If you require any further information, please contact the Customer Call Centre on the above telephone number, quoting our reference. Alternatively you can check the progress of this application online by using our website.

Please be aware that the entire content of your correspondence will be published on the Council’s website unless you have indicated otherwise and in any case, will be held as part of the planning file, available for inspection at the Council’s offices. Your attention is drawn to the item entitled Your Personal Data which is available on the Council’s website at the following address: www.westberks.gov.uk/personaldata.

Yours faithfully

Jay Singh

Case Officer