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Newbury Ladies looking for a home ground 07/09/18

News Posted on 12/09/2018 21:12

Newbury Weekly News / Newbury Today article from 07/09/18

WBC replies to stand demolition objections 06/09/18

News Posted on 12/09/2018 21:06

WBC planning dept acknowledges receipt of objections to stand demolition (example):

6th September 2018

Development and Planning Service

Council Offices, Market Street

Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5LD

Our Ref: COMACK/18/02046/DEMO

Your Ref:

Tel:: 01635 519927

Fax: 01635 519408


Dear Sir/Madam


PROPOSAL: Application for prior notification for demolition of spectator stand

SITE: Newbury Football Club, Newbury Football Club, Faraday Road, Newbury

Thank you for your recent letter which will be taken into account in arriving at a decision.

Most applications are determined by officers under delegated authority but if it is going to be determined by a Planning Committee you will be informed of the date and the procedures. The officer’s report will be available for inspection on the Wednesday of the week before the meeting either at the Council Offices or on the website at Please note that it is not possible to enter into correspondence with third parties on individual applications.

If you require any further information, please contact the Customer Call Centre on the above telephone number, quoting our reference. Alternatively you can check the progress of this application online by using our website.

Please be aware that the entire content of your correspondence will be published on the Council’s website unless you have indicated otherwise and in any case, will be held as part of the planning file, available for inspection at the Council’s offices. Your attention is drawn to the item entitled Your Personal Data which is available on the Council’s website at the following address:

Yours faithfully

Jay Singh

Case Officer

Councillors invited 03/09/18

News Posted on 04/09/2018 23:37

We have invited 52 West Berks and 14 Newbury Town councillors to our pre-public consultation meeting on Thu 13 Sep at Document House.
See the letter below:

Councillor ######

the fuss about – Newbury doesn’t need a football ground – does it?

In order
to ensure that the people of Newbury get the chance to fully understand the
details of the recently submitted planning application for
a state of the art 3G pitch and new clubhouse
facilities at Faraday Road and to provide a forum where people can openly ask
questions, we have arranged a public consultation event on Thursday 13th
September 2018 in a meeting room at the Document House 7-9 Wharf St, Newbury RG14 5AN. Two sessions have been
arranged, one that starts at 6.00pm and the second one at 7.00pm.

or wrongly we feel that the Councillors of West Berkshire Council and Newbury Town
Council are not fully aware of why a significant number of the local electorate
and their young families, think that it is really important to preserve and
enhance a community football ground in Newbury. As such we would like the
opportunity to arrange a meeting with you to discuss the key points and to
share with you with the evidence that makes this such a crucial and important
local issue. You are of course welcome to join either of the public
consultation slots mentioned above but if there is sufficient interest from you
(and your fellow councillors) we would like to invite you to a “Councillors pre
-public consultation discussion” at the
Document House 7-9 Wharf St, Newbury RG14 5AN at 5.00pm.

sense that the Council’s current position is entrenched in as much as a
“vision” floated a number of years ago could mean that the town’s only football
ground will be sacrificed to build 80 or so more flats near the town
centre. Some of the questions we are being asked are:

does it have to be either flats or the football ground – why can’t we have both
like every other town that I can think of?”

this going to help with the health and wellbeing of the town. If the population
of Newbury keeps expanding don’t we need more and better facilities not less?”

totally unthinkable that Newbury will no longer have a senior team playing in
the town – how come smaller towns like Hungerford and Thatcham can achieve this
and we can’t – what’s going on here?

community needs a football ground. Sport is an important part of life”

is a large town with few enough sporting facilities, this is desperately

ground is looking a bit tired; can’t the Council invest in it to bring it up to

“I was
unaware that the Council had plans to demolish the ground – have they
undertaken a public consultation and asked the people of Newbury what they

wasting your time – the problem is that this Council never listens to what the
public wants?”

even more flats! – Newbury’s fast becoming just a dormitory town”

“Doesn’t its Asset of Community Status (ACV)
status protect it from being concreted over?”

“If the
Council is hellbent on building on it are they not obliged to replace it before
any new development takes place?”

do the FA and Sport England think of this – will they allow the Council to
build on a designated sports pitch”?

are NCFG and what do they stand for?”

“Why have
the Council closed the ground now? – it’s such a shame to see it empty and

“I saw
the Council’s press release suggesting that they will re-open it as an
unmanaged turn up and play multi use 5 a side facility – whose idea was
this? who is going to use it, can it still be used for organised

never voted in a local election before, but in May next year, I will make sure
that I understand where my councillor stands on this specific matter”

This is really important for local democracy and we genuinely hope that
you can take time out to come along to “Councillors
pre -public consultation discussion” at the
Document House 7-9 Wharf St, Newbury RG14 5AN on Thursday 13th September 2018 at 5.00pm.

be kind enough to reply to this email with a simple YES, I would like to meet
with you next Thursday 13th September at 5.00pm or NO, sorry but I am unable to

Yours sincerely

Paul Morgan

On behalf of Newbury Community Football Group (NCFG)

Mission statement 02/09/18

News Posted on 02/09/2018 23:04

Please read an up-to-date summary of our position.

Here is our mission statement:

We believe that Newbury should have a football facility
to be proud of, to inspire our children to play sport and to allow our senior
men’s and women’s teams to compete at the highest level

What are we trying to do?

• We want to protect and improve our community
football ground, this means we have to stop the current plans to demolish it
and build flats

• The existing ground has a grass pitch, stands,
changing rooms, floodlights and a clubhouse. Our plans are to build an
all-weather pitch (3G) and new facilities, to allow even greater access to all
of Newbury’s football community, 7 days a week, all year round.

• The Council’s own evidence states that Newbury’s
football ground is not needed as housing land. Put simply: football not flats.

How do you know we need it?

• A petition by NCFG against the destruction of the
Ground was signed by nearly 7,000 people

• The Football Association conducted a survey of West
Berkshire and highlighted the area was 4 full size 3G pitches short to meet
demand of the West Berks community.

• Newbury is home to over 45,000 people and is set to
grow by about 6,000 over the next 10 years.

• All of the evidence concludes that sporting
facilities are indisputably essential to maintaining a healthy community.

• We wholeheartedly support the vision to improve the
London Road Estate. As part of this vision, our proposal to improve the
Community Football Ground with state of the art 3G pitches for all ages and new
clubhouse facilities enhances the public-realm and is in harmony with Victoria

Did you know?

Newbury Community Football Group

How the ground looks today
How it could look in the future

• That the Faraday Road
football pitch and associated facilities such as the club house, floodlights,
stands etc. is listed by WBC as an Asset of Community Value – which is unequivocal
evidence of demand for use and essential value to the community.

• A 3G pitch is an artificial
pitch that be used over 100 times more a week than a grass pitch. NCFG has
submitted a planning application for a state of the art 3G pitch and new
clubhouse facilities at Faraday Road which can be used 7 days a week, in the evening
and all year round

• The Football Association
conducted a survey of West Berkshire and highlighted the area was 4 full size
3G pitches short to meet demand of the West Berks community. The FA also
identified the Faraday Road pitch and ground as an exemplary facility.

• A survey by NCFG in May
2017 received over 200 responses from 37 local teams and leagues concluded that
there are insufficient well-maintained grass or artificial pitches in Newbury
and there is massive support for a new 3G facility that can be used by all ages
all year round and in the evenings.

• Newbury’s senior Ladies
team is hugely successful but now the team has to play cup games at Lambourn because
Newbury’s Football ground has been closed by the council. This places a glass
ceiling on their ability to progress.

• The biggest drop-out rates
for Youth Football is 16 -18-year olds, which is a vulnerable age-group. After
many years of successful involvement and since 2016 Newbury can longer enter
teams in the local youth floodlit league because our Council will not provide
the tenure agreement required.

• Hungerford Town and
Thatcham Town can play in senior leagues such as the National League South and
the Evo-Stik league South. Newbury’s ground allows a Newbury senior team to
play in similar leagues but the Council’s refusal to give security of tenure
for the last several years is the sole reason that Newbury’s senior men’s team
have been successively demoted.

• After the senior men’s team
were evicted from Newbury football ground by our Council they now have to play in
Brimpton, a village with a population of just 616 and play teams such as
Wrightchoice, Unity Sports and Wraysbury Village. Newbury is twinned with
Braunfels in Germany (population 11,000), Bagnols-sur-Cèze in France
(population 18,000) and Eeklo in Belgium (population 21,000) – all have football

• According to Government
research, every £1 spent on sporting facilities produces a return of £7.63 and
enhances educational attainment amongst the young.

Who are NCFG?

• NCFG was formed, in late 2015, as a direct response to
West Berkshire Council’s “vision” to demolish the town’s main football ground
and stadium as part of a larger land redevelopment in the London Road Estate
area without any commitment to provide a replacement.

• NCFG consists of members which represents the voice of
the football community in Newbury. It has a broad base of members that
represents senior men’s football, senior ladies’ football, boys & girls
club football, youth and development football and representative primary school

• NCFG represents well over 500 players and volunteers
in and around the Newbury area.

• NCFG is about protecting and improving the central
community football ground for ALL users.


Supporting notes / facts:

The following organised football teams are members of NCFG:

• Newbury FC,

• Newbury Ladies FC,

• AFC Newbury Boys and Girls,

• AFC Newbury Colts,

• Newbury District Primary Schools

• Pro-cision Football Academy.

The population for Newbury, Thatcham and Hungerford is calculated
by adding up wards as attached, from information on the Council’s website –mid-year 2016 estimate. 45k is used
in Newbury Town Plan – page 19, which also sets out that Newbury finds it
difficult to retain young people – which supports the need for enhanced
sporting facilities. Core Strategy states at least 10,500
new homes between 2006 and 2026, of which 5,400 (51%) will be delivered in
Newbury (Spatial Strategy and ADPP2 – Newbury). As at March 2016, 5,012 dwellings
had been delivered leaving about 5,500. Ave. population is 2.4 per house. The
housing site allocations DPD allocates land for more than 10,500 (about 11,300)
and focuses most delivery in Newbury. and the indications are that housing
delivery at a similar rate after 2026 (i.e. say, between 500 and 650 per annum,
or about 575.), 51% or more of which will be in Newbury. Therefore, Newbury
population will grow by between 612 and 795 per annum (say an average of 700).
At the lower figure, the population will grow by almost 5,000 by 2026 or over
6,000 in ten years.

Sport England

Sport England’s policy
is to protect all parts of
playing field, not just those which happen, for the time
being, to be laid out as pitches

In December 2015 the Government published Sporting Future: A New
Strategy for an Active Nation. It sets a bold and ambitious direction for sport
policy which has been widely welcomed. It looks beyond simple participation to
how sport changes lives and becomes a force for social good.

At its heart are five outcomes: physical wellbeing, mental
wellbeing, individual development, social and community development and
economic development.

What does Sport England seek to achieve through its engagement in
the planning system?

Building on its strategy Towards an Active Nation, Sport England’s
aim in working with the planning system is to help provide places that maximise
opportunities for sport and physical activity for all, enabling the already
active to be more so and the inactive to become active.

This aim is supported by three objectives:

PROTECT: To protect the right opportunities in the right places.

ENHANCE: To enhance opportunities through better use of existing provision.

PROVIDE: To provide new opportunities to meet the needs of current and
future generations.

Sport England will oppose the granting of planning permission for
any development which would

lead to the loss of, or would prejudice the use of:

• all or any part of a playing field, or

• land which has been used as a playing field and remains
undeveloped, or

• land allocated for use as a playing field unless, in the
judgement of Sport England, the

development as a whole meet with one or more of five specific exceptions

Exception 1

A robust and up-to-date assessment has demonstrated, to the
satisfaction of Sport England, that there is an excess of playing field
provision in the catchment, which will remain the case should the development
be permitted, and the site has no special significance to the interests of

Exception 2

The proposed development is for ancillary facilities supporting
the principal use of the site as a playing field, and does not affect the
quantity or quality of playing pitches or otherwise adversely affect their use.

Exception 3

The proposed development affects only land incapable of forming
part of a playing pitch and does not:

• reduce the size of any playing pitch;

• result in the inability to use any playing pitch (including the
maintenance of adequate safety margins and run-off areas);

• reduce the sporting capacity of the playing field to accommodate
playing pitches or the capability to rotate or reposition playing pitches to
maintain their quality;

• result in the loss of other sporting provision or ancillary
facilities on the site; or • prejudice the use of any remaining areas of
playing field on the site.

Exception 4

The area of playing field to be lost as a result of the proposed
development will be replaced, prior to the commencement of development, by a
new area of playing field:

• of equivalent or better quality, and

• of equivalent or greater quantity, and

• in a suitable location, and

• subject to equivalent or better accessibility and management

Exception 5

The proposed development is for an indoor or outdoor facility for
sport, the provision of which would be of sufficient benefit to the development
of sport as to outweigh the detriment caused by the loss, or prejudice to the
use, of the area of playing field.

Public consultation press release 02/09/18

News Posted on 02/09/2018 23:03

Please join us for our public consultation about the planning application at Document House, Newbury town centre on Thu 13 Sep 18:00 & 19:00

Here is the press release:

A public consultation meeting for the Planning Application for an all-weather (3G) pitch and brand new facilities by Newbury Community Football Group is being held on Thursday the 13th September at the Document House, Newbury with 2 presentations at 6.00pm and 7.00pm

An exciting proposal to redevelop the existing Football Ground to provide state of the art facilities is reaching the final stages of it’s planning application to regenerate the ground to provide a facility for the whole of the community.

The application has created further complications to West Berkshire Council in it’s controversial plans to demolish Newbury Football Ground without providing any replacement in it’s attempt to redevelop the land into flats with property developer St Modwen Estates. The Council’s own evidence states that the area around the ground is not needed as housing land Lee McDougall, spokesman for Newbury Community Football Group who submitted the planning application said, “We hope lots of people can join us for the Public Consultation on the 13th September, whether you support the application or not, or you would just like to know more. We whole heartedly support the vision to improve the London Road Estate. As part of this vision, our proposal to improve the Community Football Ground with state of the art 3G pitches for all ages and new clubhouse facilities enhances the public-realm and is in harmony with Victoria Park”

The consultation will take place in the Document House Pub after West Berks Council refused access to the Club House at the football ground itself. We would like to thank the Document House for allowing us to hold this event at their premises”

For more information contact or

Lee McDougall (07836 201362)

Paul Morgan (07767 817208)



Newbury Community Football Group

Newbury Community Football Group (NCFG) was formed in 2016 to represent the views and needs of the local Newbury community in relation to football.

The Group includes a wide range of local community groups including Newbury FC, AFC Newbury Boys and Girls, AFC Newbury Colts, Newbury Ladies, Newbury District Primary Schools Football Association and Procision Football Coaching

NCFG and its supporters passionately believe football, like all sport, inspires young people and provides a focus for personal and physical development from early years into adulthood and have seen first-hand how sport can turn lives around.

Their key objective is ensure Newbury retains a locally accessible football stadium that can be used by the whole community at both youth and junior level and senior teams playing in top amateur level leagues of the football pyramid.
Earlier this year a petition was launched support the initiative and attracted over 5,600 signatures and was key to the decision by the council to change it’s mind on the eviction notice it served to Newbury F.C.

Petition is live! 02/09/18

News Posted on 02/09/2018 21:51

petition to support NCFG’s planning application for an all-weather pitch at Faraday Road, rather than WBC’s flats, is now live, so please share widely…. click here to vote.

NCFG on Twitter 01/09/18

News Posted on 01/09/2018 10:11

We have set-up a Newbury Community Football Group Twitter account!
We are
Click here

Newbury Today report on stand 01/09/18

News Posted on 01/09/2018 09:32

Article from Newbury Today on HTFC’s application to acquire NFG’s main stand, click
HTFC does need a new stand but to seek to dismantle and relocate a structure which WBC knows to be protected by an AVC and before any definite development is decided for the ground is very premature, which is why NCFG has to object!


write to object in the strongest possible terms to the above application for
Prior Approval, made under Schedule 2 Part 11 of the Town and Country Planning
(General Permitted Development) Order 2015. The Ground is an Asset of
Community Value. Whilst the legislation only removed demolition rights
relating to Class A4 (drinking establishments), the demolition of the stand
would fundamentally damage the value of the protected asset. Furthermore,
the Ground, including all of its parts, is specifically protected in the Core
Strategy for its use as a football facility. Relevant references are in
Area Delivery plan Policy 2 and CS18, respectively as follows:

Existing community facilities will be protected and, where
appropriate, enhanced. These include leisure and cultural facilities, which
contribute to the attraction of the town for both residents and visitors.
West Berkshire Council’s online map records the Ground as a cultural
facility (extract below).

Developments resulting in the loss of green infrastructure or harm to its
use or enjoyment by the public will not be permitted
. The
Football Ground is listed as Green Infrastructure under paragraph 5.124
(outdoor facilities) and specifically under paragraph 5.129. It is
germane that the national definition of a playing field by Sport England is the
sum of its parts including playing pitch, lighting, clubhouse, stand/stadia and
changing facilities. Demolition is an act of development as defined in
paragraph 55 (1) “development,” means the carrying out of building…operations; (1A)(a) of the Town & Country
planning Act 1990 “For the purposes of this Act “ building
operations ” includes …. Demolition of buildings”.

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